Dictionary German
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Cours de Medecine
Calcule Biologique
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0-9 - A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z

Apallische Syndrom
Das Apallische Syndrom ist ein Krankheitsbild in der Neurologie, das durch schwerste Schädigung des Gehirns hervorgerufen wird.
Down Syndrom
Als Down-Syndrom bezeichnet man eine spezielle Genommutation beim Menschen, bei der das gesamte 21. Chromosom oder Teile davon dreifach (Trisomie) vorliegen. Daher lautet eine weitere übliche Bezeichnung Trisomie 21.
Dumping Syndrom
Unter dem Dumping-Syndrom versteht man eine sogenannte Sturzentleerung flüssiger und fester Nahrung vom Magen in den Dünndarm mit ihren Folgen. Der Begriff leitet sich ab vom englischen Wort „to dump“ für „plumpsen“, wodurch das Krankheitsbild anschaulich beschrieben wird.
HELLP Syndrom
Das HELLP-Syndrom ist eine schwerwiegende Erkrankung während der Schwangerschaft, die zu den Hypertensiven Störungen gehört.

Bei dieser seltenen, auch Halbseitenriesenwuchs genannten, meist kongenitalen Anomalie ist eine Körperseite gegenüber der anderen vergrössert. Manchmal wirkt sich die Wachstumsasymetrie nur in einem beschränkten Bereich, vor allem am Bein, aus (sog. partieller Riesenwuchs), zuweilen sind auch paarig angelegte innere Organe davon betroffen. Gelegentlich finden sich zusätzliche Fehlbildungen, wie Aniridie, Haemangiome, Naevi, Polydaktylie, Maldescenus testis oder Hypospadie.
Hemihypertrophie ist eine typische, aber nicht obligate, Eigenart des Russell- Silver-Zwergwuchses (s.S.137 und S. 221) und kommt auch beim Beckwith - Wiedemann- Syndrom vor (s.S. 137). Patienten mit Hemihypertrophie haben ein erhöhtes Risiko, einen Wilms-Tumor oder ein Nebennierenkarzinom zu entwickeln. Therapeutisch kommen bei stärkeren Beinlängendifferenzen einseitig verkürzende oder verlängernde Operationen in Frage.

Therapie Eine kausale Therapie ist nur bei den seltenen hormonell ausgelösten Fällen möglich. Beim konstitutionellen (familiären) Hochwuchs ergibt sich nicht selten besonders bei Mädchen aus psychosozialer Indikation die Notwendigkeit einer Therapie. Mit Hilfe von prognostischen Tabellen kann die zu erwartende Endgrösse abgeschätzt werden. Liegt sie beim Mädchen wesentlich über 183cm ("drohender Riesenwuchs"), so kann durch eine hochdosierte und in der Regel ueber viele Monate durchzufuehrende Behandlung mit Oestrogenen (bzw. Testosternonen bei Jungen) eine "Vorverlegung der Pubertät" und damit ein früherer Schluss der Epiphysenfugenerzwungen werden. Dadurch lassen sich etwa 6-10cm an Endgrösse einsparen, falls die Therapie rechtzeitig begonnen wird. Daher ist es wichtig, solche Kinder vor Beginn des Pubertätswachstumsschubs, also spätestens beim Auftreten der allerersten Pubertätszeichen, mit dieser Fragestellung zum Spezialisten zu schicken : bei Mädchen spätestens bei Erreichen einer Grösse von 160-165cm, bei Jungen von 170-175cm, damit die Therapieindikation in Ruhe abgewogen werden kann. Regelmässige Grössenmessungen (2 mal pro Jahr) in den Jahren zuvor sind gerade hier ausserordentlich hilfreich. Wegen der möglichen Nebenwirkungen dieser Behandlungsform sollte ihre Durchführung dem spezialisierten paediatrischen Endokrinologen vorbehalten bleiben.

Quelle : Lehrbuch der Kinderheilkunde, 6. Aufl., 1991
Impingement Syndrom
Als Impingement-Syndrom (engl. „Zusammenstoß“) bezeichnet man in der Orthopädie/Unfallchirurgie eine Funktionsbeeinträchtigung der Gelenkbeweglichkeit. Es entsteht zumeist durch Degeneration oder Einklemmung von Kapsel- oder Sehnenmaterial.
Metabolische Syndrom
Das metabolische Syndrom (manchmal auch als tödliches Quartett, Reavan-Syndrom oder Syndrom X bezeichnet) wird heute als der entscheidende Risikofaktor für koronare Herzkrankheiten angesehen.
Raynaud Syndrom
Das Raynaud-Syndrom (Morbus Raynaud) ist eine Gefäßerkrankung, die durch anfallsweises Abblassen der Hände oder Füße aufgrund von Vasospasmen gekennzeichnet ist. Unter Umständen können auch Nase und Ohren betroffen sein.
Sicca Syndrom
Das Sjögren-Syndrom (Sicca-Syndrom; lat. siccus: trocken) ist eine Autoimmunerkrankung aus der Gruppe der Kollagenosen, bei der die Immunzellen die Speicheldrüsen und Tränendrüsen angreifen.
Top Define
Define c
define php
define r6
define r5
define s2
define synonym
define arduino
define traduction
define anagram
define array php
define array c
define ad hoc
define anachronisme
define and throw a dedicated exception instead of using a generic one
define array js
a defined contribution plan
a defined benefit plan
a defined contribution plan promises employees a fixed annual pension benefit
a defined contribution plan is part of which employee benefit
a defined benefit plan is part of which employee benefits
a defined contribution plan guarantees a specified or fixed level of retirement income
a defined set of formatting characteristics such as font font size and font color are known as a
a defined set of standards that computers must follow in order to communicate properly is known as a
a defined-benefit plan specifies the benefits that you will receive at retirement age
a defined name provides a logical reference to
define à la carte
define à propos
define à l'instar
define à priori
define à même
define à point
define à son insu
define à leur insu
define à cet effet
define à fortiori
à définir
à définir synonyme
à définir traduction anglais
dans un futur proche
en allemand
en espagnol
in english
en néerlandais
traduction espagnol
define âme
âge nubile
define âcre
define âpre
define âprement
define ânonner
define âtre
define âgisme
define ânier
â is not defined
define â
define beauty
define blockchain
define big data
define blog
define boolean c
define blunt
define bespoke
define bipolaire
define bienveillance
define batch
b defined fitness belleville ks
b defined eyebrow kit
bdefined williamsburg virginia
b. define tu producto-oferta profesional que quieres vender
b. define and explain the difference between qualitative and quantitative measurement
b defined williamsburg
b. define marginal cost of capital
b) define monopoly. in capitalism why are monopolies dangerous explain
b) define un plan de acción para superar esos obstáculos
b. define oxidizing agent reducing agent and spectator ion
define constant php
define class python
define constant c
define c tg
define culture
define crm
define coercition
define catharsis
define collusion
c define string
c define macro
c define array
c define struct
c define function
c define constant
c define type
c define char
c define enum
c define float
define çubukları
define çatlak kelimeler
define çubuk yapımı
define çarpı iÅŸareti
define çekiç iÅŸareti
define çubuÄŸu
define çubukları nasıl yapılır
define çubuÄŸu nasıl yapılır
define çubuÄŸu yapımı
define çıkarma
define ç
define diligence
define definition
define design
define dancing
define diatribe
define discrimination
define dict python
define dystopie
define dictionary python
define devops
d define c
d. define the significance of international finance management
d. define the terms precision and accuracy
d. define tidal volume. explain how tidal volume measurements change after exercise
d. define acoustic impedance of a medium with suitable example
d. define main olap operations
d define gravity
definitely d
(d) define factor. choose the correct answer below
d. define a grievance and identify the stages in a dispute resolution procedure
define en c
define ecosystem
define en francais
define en python
define erp
define exhaustive
define empathie
define egocentrique
define ethique
define en php
e definers technology
e defined as a limit
e definer abn amro
define e commerce
define e.g
define e business
define email
define e-learning
define e banking
define e=mc2
define ésotérisme
define migrer
define éthique
define été
define étude
define ébauche
define école
define étoile
define état
define émerveillement
o que é define
o que é define em c
o que é undefined em portugues
pois é define
o que é define em php
o que é define um ser vivo
o que é define em português
define é sinonimo de
o certo é define ou defini
o que é definir em espanhol
define èlan
define ère
define ès
define ètica
define èl
define èpica
define ème
define c'è
define la vita è bella
define èter
define è
c'è define
define être dupe
define être en passe de
define être humain
define être en nage
define être la proie de
define être pondéré
define être démuni
define être redevable
define être emprunté
define être
define ëa
define etica
define ë
define function
define function javascript
define function c
define function r
define function mathematica
define franchise
define function php
define febrile
f# define function
f# define type
f# define interface
f# define class
f# define function type
f# define array
f# define return type
f# define operator
f# define infix operator
f# define list
define global variable python
define global variable php
define global variable js
define genocide
define geek
define global php
define gratitude
defying gravity
define gouvernance
define grace
g_define_type extended
g_define_type example
g_define_type gstreamer
define human studios
define homeostasis
define holistique
define hedoniste
define holistic
define heuristique
define hero
define homophobe
define hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia
define html
h define isareti
h) define the term web 2.0 and give two examples of it
h.definekey sas
h.definedata sas
define h on c
defines.h stm32f4
define h pylori
define h index
define h.a.m
define in c
define is not defined
define invective
define innovation
define insurrection
define idoine
define in python
define subordination
define inflation
define information
i define fear as standing
i define me
(i) define coordination
i define you
i define love as
i define success as
(i) define services
(i) define entrepreneurship
i define leadership as
define île
define îlien
define îlotage
îlot define
define presqu'île
define ï
define java_home
define js
define jurisprudence
define java_home windows
define java_home ubuntu
define json
define jinx
define java_home linux
define j'adore
define j'accuse
define j.p. morgan
define jaywalking
define j bag
define j curve
define j operator
define j.d
define j cat
define j edgar hoover
define kpi
define kinky
define keen
define karma
define knowledge
define kitsch
define kosher
define kanban
define kamikaze
define kinky urban dictionary
k defined language
define k pop
define k-12
define k-9
define k.o
define k street
define k means algorithm
define k-mer
define kcal
define k drug
define langage c
define list python
define litote
define leadership
define love
define leverage
define location with sdk.dir in the local.properties
define lemme
define le r6 black tg
define lobby
l definitely
define l'amour
define l'chaim
define l-theanine
define l'hospital's rule
define l/c
define l.p
define de l isareti
define l'eau
define l.c.m
define macro
define moratoire
define mini
define metonymy
define matrix python
define matrix matlab
define mini c tg
define meme
define muse
m define chemistry
define m_pi
define m_pi c++
define m.o
define m-commerce
define m/s
define m.c
define m&e
definede m iÅŸareti
define nomenclature
define neophyte
define numpy array
define null c
define namespace c++
define nemesis
dfine nik collection
define nominal
define np array
#define n 10
#define n 5
#define n 100
define n.b
define n type semiconductor
#define n 4
define n/c
define n+1
define n/r
#define n 3
define object javascript
define oracle
define operator c++
define octet
define obsolete
define object python
define ostentatoire
define ontologie
define ordinateur
define obtuse
o define the relationship between compliance to slas and inflow of tickets which plot is best
o define the inverse sine function we restrict the domain of sine to the interval
o define an additional field in datasheet view tap or click the ____ column heading
o define the normal balance for an account
o define a set of rules that govern how devices communicate and the data formats used in a network
o define the revenue recognition and matching principles. why are these required by gaap
#define o_rdonly
define o.g
define o'er
define o feudalismo
define ôter
define ônus
define ôté
define ônibus
define ônix
define ôntico
define ômer
define ômega 3
define ônibus espacial
define micro-ônibus
define öküz iÅŸareti
definition ökosystem
definition ökologie
definition öffentliche sicherheit
definition ökonomie
definition ökologische nische
definition öffentlicher dienst
definition öffentlichkeitsarbeit
definition ökonomisch
definition ökologischer fußabdruck
define ö
define profane
define pragmatique
define purge
define property
define paradigme
define pertinent
define property js
define plebiscite
define p&l statement account type sap
define p value
define p.s
define p/e ratio
define p value statistics
define p.e
define p waves
define p.s in a letter
define p.c
define p.m
define quid
define queer
define qlocal
define quality in project management
define quiescence
define quality
define quite
define quirky
define quantum
define quarry
q define a una persona
q define function
q define medical
define q angle
define qbasic
define q.e.d
define q es en logica el valor de verdad
define q fever
define q7 tools
define q es la evolucion de la poblacion humana
define resilience
define r6 black
define r6 blackout
define redemption
define r6 usb-c
define r6 black tg
define r6 tg
r define function
r define matrix
r define vector
r define data frame
r define color
r define working directory
r define library path
r define array
r define list
r define variable
define sql
define struct c
define shallow
define string c
define service nagios
define solipsism
define sporadique
define struct
s defined as reciprocal faith in others' intentions and behaviors
s defined as a state of periodic or chronic impairment detrimental to the individual and society
s defined as information containing patterns relationships and trends of various forms of data
s defined as the psychological processes that arouse and direct goal-directed behavior
s defined as the energy used to move an object against a force
is defined as getting work done through others
s defined as the government requiring businesses to perform specific procedures
define s&p 500
define s.o
define s tempered glass
define trash
define tableau c
define trivial
define type typescript
define turpitude
define type c
define trad
define template
define technology
to be defined
define t test
define t cells
define t minus
define t shirt
define t value
define t bills
define t&m
#define _t(x) l ## x
define t boned
define url
define urbanisation
define ubiquitous
define underlying
define umami
define utf8 html
define url wordpress
define unemployment
define urbain
define unequivocally
undefined slope
u/define architects
u define me
u define iÅŸareti
u define yourself
u define mangalore
undefined line
u define friendship
u define cambridge
define u shaped valley
define ù
define variable
define variable python
define variable bash
define variable php
define versatile
define variable sql
define variable c
define var twig
define vector matlab
define variable matlab
v define iÅŸareti
v define iÅŸaretleri
(v) define group piece rate
(v) define the array
(v) define ecrm
(v) define non-financial incentives
(v) define feasibility study steps and its process
(v) define ‘sales promotion’.give suitable examples
v. define the power series
v. define ado. explain the working of ado. net
define wanderlust
define wholesome
define woke
define wedge
define wesh
define windows c++
define weeb
define wordpress url
define working capital
define whimsical
define w/c
define w/e
define w/o
define w.r.t
define w/v
define w.t.o
define w/b
define w.e.b. dubois
define w-9
define xl r2
define xl
define xenophobe
define x axis matlab
define xenophobia
define xml
define xanax
define xi
define xenophobic
define xylem
x define python
x define iÅŸareti
#define z_probe_offset_from_extruder
#define x_min_pos
#define x 5+2
define x intercept
define x axis
define x factor
define yourself with 3 words
define yield
define yeet
define yoga
define your personal brand
define yuletide
define your future
define your why
define yandere
y defined as a function of x
y define iÅŸareti
define y intercept
define y'all
define y localiza los siguientes conceptos
define y omer
define y axis matlab
define y işareti anlamı
define y combinator
define y axis in r
define zeitgeist
define zeal
define zealous
define zen
define zenith
define zygote
define zion
define zaddy
define zionism
define zealot
#define z_safe_homing
#define z_dual_stepper_drivers
#define z_homing height
#define z_min_probe_repeatability_test
#define z_servo_angles
#define z_endstop_servo_nr
#define z_min_endstop_inverting
define z_probe_offset_range_max
define z score
define 007
define 02
define 0 sum game
define 0 for 3
define 000
define 079me
0 defined
0 defined in resolvers but not in schema
define 0 1
define 0/5
bdeviceclass 0 (defined at interface level)
raid 0 define
0 not defined
define 1 joule
define 1 watt
define 14th amendment
define 1 watt of power
define 1 volt
define 1 ampere
define 1 newton
define 13th amendment
define 15th amendment
define 18th amendment
1 define the terms stationary phase and mobile phase as they relate to general chromatography
1 defined
1 define the concept of professionalism and dual professionalism in education and training
1 define framing and give the reason it is needed
1 define the following terms analyte standard solution titration titrant and standardization
1. define homeostasis and describe how it relates to hyperthermia
1. define earth science and all its components
1. define own price or demand elasticity and give the equation
1. define utility and explain the law of diminishing marginal utility and give a personal example
1. define the term global stratification
define 2d
define 21st century
define 2nd person
define 22nd amendment
define 25th amendment
define 2nd degree murders
define 21st amendment
define 2d array python
define 2nd cousin
define 20th century
2 define the term sexism
2. define codes designated as separate procedures
2. define and give an example of concrete words
2. define an object and provide three examples
2. define optimal efficiency. how is optimal efficiency achieved in production
2. define the use of internet in working and academic environment
2. define the term social structures
2. define the term mean
2. define codes designated as separate procedures course hero
2) define the terms seek time rotational delay (latency) access time and transfer time
define 3d
define 3rd person
define 3/5 compromise
define 3pl
define 3d printing
define 3rd party
define 3rd person limited
define 3d shapes
define 3 dimensional
define 38th parallel
3 defined opacities
3 defined terms in geometry
3 define technologies chennai
3. define mineral silicate and carbonate
3. define and give an example of abstract words
3. define ablation technique
3. define independence and objectivity as they relate to auditing
3. define the term incompetent manager
3. define integrated change control and briefly explain how it is accomplished in an organization
3. define the following terms
define r4 black window side panel
define r4 arctic white
define r4 vs r5
define r4 audio kit
define r4 ssd mount
define r4 window
define r4 left side panel black window
define r4 arctic white - window
define r4 manual
4. define the differences between a 401k and roth ira in at least 50 words
4. define the term sociological perspective
4. define evangelios
4. define the differences between a 401k and roth ira
4. define isp and give at least 5 different examples of isps
4. define y caracteriza a los procesos de monitoreo
4. define the following vocabulary words in the table
4. define the following terms county civic township municipality special district
4. define the anterior triangle of the neck. give a second example of a body triangle
4) define null hypothesis and alternative hypothesis
define 5th amendment
define 5g
define 5 pillars of islam
define 504
define 5150
define 529 plan
define 501c3
define 555
define 527 groups
define 5 year plan
5. define the scope of operating system with the help of an operating plan. discuss
5. define the term ethics
5. define the term sociological imagination
5. define the terms comet asteroid and meteoroid
5. define the term word processing
5. define the term ethics course hero
5. define police power and explain how it occasionally overrules individuals’ rights to privacy
5. define one problem statement for education industry
5. define apprenticeship training
5. define prototype inheritance and closure
define 6 figures
define 6th amendment
define 666
define 6 sigma
define 6th sense
define 64 bit
define 60
define 6 figure salary
define 60fps
define 66
6 define stability and change and discuss the stability change issue
6. define rhetorical effect and describe why this concept is important to keep in mind when writing
6. define the term socialization
6. define the term acupuncture
6. define polymorphism and provide three examples
6. define the term acupuncture. course hero
6. define and differentiate between hypersensitivity reactions and autoimmune disease
6. define exclusion as it pertains to the ehr incentive program
6. define rhetorical effect
6- define view and its types
define 7th amendment
define 777
define 772
define 7 deadly sins
define 7 years war
define 7 year itch
define 7 figures
define 75th percentile
define 720p
define 7th heaven
7 define the privatization concept and discuss its advantages and disadvantages
7. define an indifference curve and explain what information it shows
7. define the term demography
7. define the term research methods course hero
7. define the term research methods
7. define a. rock and bore
7. define the term etiquette
7. define the term data
7. define a class subclass and superclass and provide three examples of each
7. define file path
define 86
define 8d audio
define 8th amendment
define 808
define 8d
define 8 ball
define 8 parts of speech
define 802.11
define 8 fold path
define 88
8. define the term collaboration
8. define the term mental set
8. define the term curanderismo
8. define the term group cohesion
8. define security and privacy. how are these two concepts related
8. define the following active surveillance passive surveillance incidence rate and prevalence rate
8. define the term topology and draw a sketch of each wired and wireless network topology
8. define the term plant
8. define cosmology cosmogony and theogony
8. define reliability as it relates to measurement of behavior
define 95 theses
define 95 confidence interval
define 9th amendment
define 999
define 9/11
define 90
define 90th percentile
define 90 degree angle
define 90210
define 95th percentile
Turner Syndrom
Das Turner-Syndrom, auch unter den Synonymen Ullrich-Turner-Syndrom (UTS) oder Monosomie X bekannt, ist eine Chromosomenbesonderheit, genauer gesagt eine gonosomale Genommutation bzw. gonosomale Monosomie, die von Henry H.
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